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Toys & Games Republic Mark VI

Mark the date ! Adaide akan hadir dengan membawa UP BOX 3D Printer. Puaskan keingintahuan anda di...


  Setelah perancangan  Mecha Troops selesai,  Jodie Panudju kembali...

Pioneer HDJ-1500 Reparation

Headphone DJ ini hampir dipensiunkan hanya gara-gara komponen plastiknya yang pecah. Dengan sedikit trial - error dan...

Home Automation Smart Lamp by MODEGI

    Control your light and other device with your smartphone. Visit www.modegi.com...

UP BOX 3D Printer

  Going BIG ? Go for UP BOX ! Promotional...

Electronic Casing – PT Tritronik


Tiara by Barli Asmara and Friends

"Tiara" -  Designed by Barli Asmara and exhibited for Jakarta Fashion Week 2013

Bedong by Jodie Darmawan

  A miniaturized rattan chair; designed by Jodie Darmawan

Mecha Troops by Jodie Panudju

  Mecha Troop I - The Aggressor - Sebuah rancangan robot masa depan kreasi dari Jodie Panudju. Dengan...

ANDI by Garry Liwang

Meet Andi ! Designed by Garry Liwang for his final project presentation. 3D Printed by Adaide. Paint job...

BENTO by Garry Liwang

Meet Bento ! 99% Fat 1% Fun :) Designed by Garry Liwang for his final project (along with...

UP! Plus 2 3D Printer

We present you UP! Plus 2.0 3D Printer Print your 3D object anywhere, anytime !

Natuna by Karsa Design

Set of miniaturized furnitured, designed by Karsa Design. These mini table and chair were 3D printed and...

DreadOut’s Pocong

"Pocong" - Salah satu karakter jahat dalam game survival horor : DreadOut. (www.dreadout.com)


Dullie - Sesosok alien mungil yang tengil, hasil rekaan para mahasiswa Desain Komunikasi Visual Universitas Kristen Petra...

Evoker by Sat Hody

Evoker | Character design by Satya Hody ; a game developer from Surabaya 3D Printed and...

Bamboo Shelter Project by Bando Takaaki

Linda from DreadOut Game